All packages are shipped from the USA.
If your country is not listed below I don't have any information to help.
If you want to import bulk quantities 7.5KG+ I suggest getting a business agricultural importation permit.
Due to Covid there are no cheap postage options available currently.
Australian Customs do not like large packages, recommended to order 500g or less.
If your package is not delivered within 4 weeks we recommend to contact Australian customs as they sometimes hold packages without notifying the recipient, If you contact them you should be able to get it.
Cambodia ខេសកម្ពុជា
Cheap postage can be very slow, recommended to order packages using the more expensice "Priority" or "Express" options.
ប្រៃសណីយ៍ដែលមានតំលៃថោកអាចយឺតណាស់, ត្រូវបានផ្តល់អនុសាសន៍ឱ្យបញ្ជាទិញកញ្ចប់ដោយប្រើជម្រើស "អាទិភាព" ឬ "ប្រេស" ឬ "ប្រេស" ។
For regular orders everything is good, the cheapest postage will arrive in 2-3 weeks.
Pour les commandes régulières, tout est bon, l'affranchissement le moins cher arrivera dans 2-3 semaines.
China 中国
Shipping is very slow, recommended orders 500g or smaller.
Germany Deutschland
Import taxes may be high, please do research on them. Due to Covid shipping is slower than normal, expect 4 weeks delievery time for first class or priorty mail.
Importsteuern können hoch sein, bitte recherchieren Sie sie. Aufgrund des COVID-Versands ist der Versand langsamer als normal, erwarten Sie 4-Wochen-Delievery-Zeit für erstklassige oder priorische Mail.
Iceland Ísland
Recommended Order size of 250g or less.
Ráðlagður röð stærð 250g eða minna.
India इंडिया
Recommended to use "Priority" or "Express" postage.
"प्राथमिकता" या "एक्सप्रेस" डाक का उपयोग करने की अनुशंसा की जाती है।
Italy Italia
Recommended to use "Priority" or "Express" postage.
Consigliato utilizzare la spedizione "priorità" o "Express".
Japan 日本
Recommend ro use "First Class" postage only. Recommended order size 500g or less.
「ファーストクラス」の郵便料金のみを使用することをお勧めします。 推奨注文サイズ500g以下。
Mexico México
Everything is good.
Todo es bueno.
New Zealand
Due to Covid there are no cheap postage options available currently. Recommended to order 500g or less.
United Kingdom
Expect to pay import taxes.
Romania România
We don't currently ship to romania, due to shipping issues.
În prezent, nu trimitem în România în România, din cauza problemelor de expediere.
Russia Россия
Shipping can be slow. Recommended to use "Priority" mail.
Доставка может быть медленной. Рекомендуется использовать «приоритетную» почту.
South Africa Suid-Afrika
We don't currently ship to South Africa, due to shipping issues.
Ons stuur tans nie na Suid-Afrika nie, as gevolg van verskepingskwessies.
Spain España
Recommended to use "Priority" or "Express" postage.
Se recomienda utilizar el franqueo "prioridad" o "expreso".
Sweden Sverige
Expect to pay import taxes.
Förvänta sig att betala importskatter.
Switzerland Schweiz
Everthing is good.
Alles ist gut.